EFY 2001 -- Virginia BV session 3
Yes, yes, I got lots of pictures. E-mail me if you want prints and we'll see what we can do! If you would like me to scan or upload your pictures, I'll be glad to help.
And for future reference, I will eventually have something else over here, something much nicer.
And, as a reminder, this is Jordan (GIRL) Franklin. To help you tell the difference, I'll call myself "me," and Jordan Councill "Jordan."
Oh, yeah, and let me apologize in advance -- I'm in a lot of these pictures. (Then again, it's my dat-gum film!)
I'm thinking of rescanning some of these pictures; I saved them as low-quality and it's starting to bug me. If you think you've been gypped and that a picture of you isn't what it should be, e-mail me and I'll look into it. (Note: issues with coloring, lighting and focus may be due to low-quality photos; not all picture issues are resolvable. If it really bothers you that much, tell me and I'll disconnect the link.)
NEW and mildly EXCITING!! -- check the Random Shots section! (Last update: 22 August 2001)
AND NOW! Links!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
Yeah, EFY! (Lauren Field)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
The Ostrich Trick (Patti Hinman)
What girls really do in the dorms (top row:
Xarissa Holdaway, Amy Barrow, Christine Loveland; second row: me, Bree McCausland, Kelly Gaskins, Maria Voiro; third row: Heather
Jensen, Patti Hinman, DeAnna McGraw, Lauren Field, Jana Anderlin)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
Buddies in the Cafeteria (Ang Cooper, Michelle
Wednesday Night Games (Holly Howington, Geoff
Bays, Krissy Smith)
Oh my! (Holly Howington, Geoff Bays, Krissy
Amy and me (Amy Barrow, me)
The guys (ANL guys)
The guys and Amanda (Amanda Martin in front,
ANL guys)
Buddies in Chandler (Patti Hinman, DeAnna
Derrick and Heather! (Derrick Hibbard, Heather
Switching sides for softball (some of ANL
and our buddy, Robbie)
'N Sync Dancing (Tim Cuttingham [Promised
Land], Carl Virgin [Promised Land], Geoff Bays)
'N Sync Dancing (Tim Cuttingham [Promised
Land], Carl Virgin [Promised Land], Geoff Bays)
'N Sync Dancing (Tim Cuttingham [Promised
Land], Carl Virgin [Promised Land], Geoff Bays)
ANL not quite ready for a picture
Hans und Franz! (Hans, Franz)
Franz und Hans! (Franz, Hans)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
Thursday -- only a few blurry photos of the talent show survive . . .
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
Lookin' Spiffy (Geoff Bays)
Ready for a night of fine dining and dancing
(ANL Girls)
Similarly prepared for high fashion fun (ANL
In their natural state (ANL Guys)
This photo speaks for itself (Brother Carver,
our session director)
The counselors and me! Dig my ring pop (Katie
Clover, me, Amy Barrow, Jordan Councill)
"Yo mama so fat . . ." (Crosby Dougherty,
Amanda Martin, Miriam Jensen, Krissy Smith, Holly Howington)
Me and Geoff (me, Geoff Bays)
Taylor and me Note the bag in the background
-- and the heart! (Taylor the EMT, me) [This shot didn't turn out
so bad, considering I insulted Jordan right before he snapped the photo]
What, don't you like Geoff?
(Jordan Councill, Geoff Bays, Kelly Gaskins)
Twins! . . . Not (Jordan & Jordan
-- you figure out which one is which)
Raleigh Girls, South Charlotte Guys and Jonathan
(Miriam Jensen, Krissy Smith, Jonathan Sarlo, Derrick Hibbard, Andrew Gleaves,
Amanda Martin, Holly Howington)
Heather and Derrick! (Heather Jensen,
Derrick Hibbard)
Mighty, mighty counselor women (Amy Barrow,
Jordan Councill, Katie Clover) [And yes, they are carrying him]
Don't know what it was, but it must've been pretty
funny! (Me, Kelly Gaskins)
Roomies! (Me, Lauren Field) [The color is
messed up, but the actual photo looks worse]
Beautiful Smiles! (Patti Hinman, Xarissa
Holdaway, me)
Me and Derrick (me, Derrick Hibbard)
Me and Derrick again (me, Derrick Hibbard)
[We weren't sure that the first one would come out]
Tiff and me (Tiffany Lepisto, me)
Me and Carl (Me, Carl Virgin [Promised Land])
Amy and me again! (Amy Barrow, me)
Heather, Christine and me (Heather Jensen,
Christine Loveland, me)
Ang, Michelle and me (Ang Cooper, Michelle
Crow, me) [Aren't the titles getting a little obvious?]
Me and Katie (Me, Katie Clover)
Travis and me (Travis -- c'mon, you know Travis
--, me)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
Random Shots -- These aren't from EFY, but I'll be glad to post your photos or link to your random photos here.
Y'know, so we can see what we look like in normal life.
Me for Prom
Me for Prom
Susan Barker and me for Prom
Me at BYU on July 11, 2001
Stephen Stroup with his Youth Conference "Family" on a pioneer trek (No, they aren't his real family.)
Michelle in her senior pictures
Michelle all ready to get married. (Note: This was a Laurel Activity for her ward, not a photo in a wedding invitation that YOU didn't get!)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Random Shots
This concludes our photo portion. If I've made any mistakes in anyone's names or credits, please let me know!
Let me link to your page!! I promise it won't hurt . . . much. . . .
Aloha, ANL!
--Jordan Franklin